Median UI v1.26 Blogger template Download - IndianCreator

Median UI v1.26 Blogger template Download - IndianCreator

Median UI v1.26 Blogger template Download - IndianCreator
Median UI v1.26 Blogger template Download - IndianCreator

☞ Median UI v1.26 Premium Blogger template Download - IndianCreator

Responsive Blogger template inspired by the dashboard UI concept with a more modern look

Median UI is designed with the dashboard UI concept, the template is recommended to be used on news blogs, a simpler design but has a high readability is a plus point of this template.

The menu display is also made different from other templates, carrying the 3 column concept where the first column is devoted to the navigation menu which can be minimized the width of the navigation. At first glance this template looks like a web app that makes your blog look different from other blogs. This concept is also used by large websites such as Google Adsense, Google Drive and so on

☞ Key Features of Median UI Blogger Template

➦ Responsive 

The size of the flexible template adjusts to every screen and the layout is neatly arranged by maximizing CSS performance

➦ SEO Friendly

Templates have been designed with SEO Friendly, starting from breadcrumbs that have been indexed by Google to other markup schemes

➦ Easy Customize

It's easy to change the color, width to the font via the Blogger Theme Designer including widget settings on the Layout menu

➦ Easy Installation

The template installation process is easier, you can go directly through the Backup / Restore Themes menu without an error

➦ Ads Optimize

Already provided adsense ad slots that are ready to use in locations with high click rates

➦ Fast Loading

Optimized by reducing the size of templates such as compressing CSS and Javascript for faster loading

➦ Mobile First

Designed with a mobile view first, it looks modern and more user friendly

➦ Cross Browser Compatible

Supports various different browsers such as chrome, firefox and so on